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Rules Of Advertising

Advertise for real, and only for yourself

Ads listed for pure marketing purposes without offering any concrete goods, jobs or services are not allowed. You should place your own ads and not place ads on behalf of someone else.

Ad title

Your ad title should briefly describe what is being advertised, and should not contain prices, salaries, promotional words, contact details or unnecessary search words. Example of promotional words include “promotion”, “best deal”, “best offer”, and “discount”.

Ad description

Your ad description should describe what is being advertised. It should not be copied from other advertisers (this is illegal under copyright laws). It should also not contain unnecessary search words, offensive remarks, or links to other auction/classifieds/marketplace sites. Unnecessary search words are words that do not directly refer to the item itself, but rather refer to closely related items.

Ad language

Only ads in English, Mandarin and Bahasa Malaysia are allowed.

Ad category

You should place your ad in the category that best describes what is being advertised.

No multiple items in 1 ad

You should only advertise 1 unique item in each ad.

No duplicates

You should not place the same ad more than once. If you wish to advertise the same item again, please delete your previous ad before you insert a new ad of the same item. Posting the same ad using a different name or email is also not allowed.


You can place links that are relevant to your ad in the ad text description. However, you cannot place links to another auction, classifieds, or marketplace site.


You should add images that are relevant to your ad. Company logos should not be used as images.

An image is not suitable if it:

  • Was taken by another advertiser, and is being reused without their consent (this is illegal under copyright laws)
  • Contains contact details (phone, email, links, Facebook, or any other personal info)
  • Contains images of children
  • Contains promotional words
  • Contains an advertiser’s own watermark of contact details and price
  • Contains a watermark of a company logo placed in the centre or any of the four corners of the image; or covering more than 30% of the image
  • Is a collage, i.e. includes multiple images edited into the same image
  • Is a stock photo
  • Is downloaded from the ornamental.fish website
  • Is not in JPEG or PNG format
  • Is reused from any other ad on ornamental.fish
  • Is too small or unclear, or is irrelevant
  • Could be perceived to be offensive or provocative in nature

Original items

Pirated goods and forged items are not allowed. All items advertised must be original; we suggest that you include images of the necessary document(s) in the ad to prove the authenticity of the item.

Realistic offers

You should provide the actual selling price of your item in your ad. ornamental.fish reserves the right to refuse unrealistic selling prices which we do not think are the actual full price of your item (strictly no instalments, down-payments or trade-in prices).

Bidding and auctions

We do not accept any ads related to auction or bidding. We only accept ads with actual prices.

Rules concerning pets and animals

Animals traded on ornamental.fish must follow the Wildlife Protection Act of Malaysia 1972, the Fisheries Act 1985, and CITES.

Illegal goods

Ads featuring goods that are prohibited from sale according to Malaysian laws are not allowed on ornamental.fish. For the list of illegal goods, click here.

Prohibited goods and services

Ornamental.fish has restrictions against the advertising of certain goods and services. For the list of prohibited goods and services, click here.

Offensive content

Ads or images that could be perceived as offensive to ethnic groups, individuals, or public figures are not allowed.


Ads under “Services” must follow applicable laws and regulations of Malaysia for the given profession.

Ornamental.fish reserves the right to:

  • Remove unsuitable images, and edit or delete any unnecessary search words or promotional words
  • Request advertisers to amend their ad to comply with the above mentioned rules
  • Exercise sole discretion in making a final decision on whether an ad violates fish’s rules or spirit of use
  • Suspend, deactivate and/or terminate any account which fish deems to be inappropriate