Ad Details
Ad ID: 1611
Added: August 27, 2021
Condition: Brand New
Location: Malaysia
State: Sarawak
City: Sibu
Phone: 0198280131
Views: 1324
Website: Web Design & App Development
Feeding Instructions: Diet: Frozen, Freeze dried
Housing: 29+ gallon tank, Moderately planted, Water temperature 76-86 degrees F
Things to Remember
Staple diet
Choose a tropical flake or pellet fish food. Feed according to the directions on the packaging.
Specialty Foods
Angelfish will enjoy fresh or frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp and daphnia. Always remember to thaw frozen foods before feeding.
Frequent Feedings
For optimum health, feed your angelfish as much food as they will consume in 1-3 minutes, twice a day. You can alternate between regular staple diet feedings and 2-4 meals per week of a specialty food.
Start with a 29-gallon or larger, tall aquarium. A good rule of thumb is one gallon of water for every one inch of full-grown fish.
Decorate their aquarium with rocks, driftwood and plants, but be sure to place them on the sides and back of the aquarium so they’ll have enough space to swim in the center. Avoid decor with sharp edges.
Fish Compatibility
Angelfish should not be housed with highly aggressive tank mates or fin nippers. They can share their aquarium with community gouramis, discus and other non-aggressive cichlids.
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